Ageing Well in Brighton & Hove

Ageing Well Brighton & Hove

We are thrilled to be part of the new Ageing Well commission, led by Impact Initiatives, which will deliver joined-up services for older people across the city starting this month. We’re looking forward to being part of this great partnership and bringing our successful older people’s work to new areas of Brighton and Hove.

A local charity working with people of all ages, Impact Initiatives is well known as the host of the annual Brighton & Hove Older People’s Festival, an event which takes place for 3 weeks in September/October each year to coincide with International Older People’s Day on the 1st October.  

Ageing Well is a new service for the over 50s which launched on April 1st 2019. There is now a single point of contact – a dedicated phone number which older people can call to find out about activities, support and events across the City – whether its places to go, group activities, befriending, information and advice or volunteering opportunities.  Impact Initiatives will co-ordinate the enquiries and match them with activities and services provided by other partner organisations (such as TDC) which best meet their needs. Our part of the project will be to provide dedicated support for older people from BME backgrounds and in certain neighbourhoods where social isolation amongst the over 50s is a problem. 

If you would like to enquire for yourself or for someone you know, the number to call is 01273 322947

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