An invitation from TDC and the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership
Understanding the experience of food poverty for people from BME backgrounds
Tuesday 6th March 2018
9:30am – 11:30am
Framrose room, BMECP, 10A Fleet Street, Brighton, BN1 4ZE
Can you help us to understand how to help prevent food poverty for people from BME backgrounds?
We are looking for people from BME backgrounds to come along and share knowledge and experiences of food poverty in their communities.
In order to take part you must have lived in the UK for more than 3 years and have indefinite leave to remain.
We can give you a donation of £20 to cover your time for the morning and can reimburse your travel expenses if using public transport.
If you would like to book on or for an informal chat please contact Helen Starr-Keddle on 07850 002596 or email [email protected]