Youth Work with the Traveller Community

St Michael’s Way Traveller site became the home of one of the TDC ‘Girls groups’ in September 2017. TDC youth workers George, Reana, and Shannon have worked to strengthen the relationship between St Michael’s Way Traveller site and TDC. This work has been achieved by facilitating a space that provides social and emotional support, heightening levels of wellbeing.

We have achieved some amazing things! Fast forward to September 2021, and the easing of the coronavirus pandemic restrictions saw the friendly group re-open every Tuesday. The safe space located in the heart of both the fixed and transit housing sites, provides a wider sense of community and belonging for girls aged 11+.

Whilst offering young women the opportunity to communicate what matters to them, becoming a part of the group allows individuals to embark on adventure beyond their familiarities. The group has seen huge success in taking the young women to explore further with the use of trips that embody team building, resilience training and Christmas festivities such as LazerZone, GoApe, and more recently, a trip to the Ice rink situated at the Royal Pavilion.

Take it from them! One young woman shares her thoughts on coming to ‘girls group’:

“I love coming to group to speak to workers. I like to do the fun activities and to occupy my brain for a couple of hours instead of sitting at home”.

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