Meet this Year’s Community Champions: Peter Spence and Michael Collett

From TDC's Emma Reeves

Despite lockdown, and everything else, Peter and Michael continued to make sure that the community garden they look after remained open and accessible. Albion Garden is a little oasis in the Tarner area and was used by many different beneficiaries during lockdown including the residents of the extra care scheme next door. The garden has developed more and they have had more people come and volunteer.

They use Facebook to share uplifting photos and organised a community garden trail. At the same time they have been working hard to restore the community rooms at Thornsdale high rise, which they are now calling the Albion Hub. These rooms have been closed for years and they continue to work with BHCC, local community groups and residents to try and get them functioning. This has enabled the Phoenix Food Project to have somewhere to store their dried goods. They are setting up a cycle repair project and are working with the council to upgrade the kitchen and improve the rooms in general.

They each volunteer on average 30 hours a week towards these two amazing community spaces – the garden and the Albion Hub.They have surveyed residents, sent out newsletters, engaged with the liveable neighbourhoods project and so much more.

These guys work so hard for their community, they are the community champions of their area.

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